real time web

What is Real-Time Web?


The real-time web is a set of technologies and practices which enable users to receive information as soon as it is published by its authors, rather than requiring that they or their software check a source periodically for updates [1].


The following are some new emerging trends in real-time web: 


  1. Real time search
  2. Real time location
  3. Real time news
  4. Real time comments
  5. Real time reviews
  6. Real time e-commerce
  7. Real time collaboration
  8. Real time analytics 




Read the following articles on real time web:


Four Emerging Trends of the Real-Time Web:


Brace Yourself for the Real-Time Web:


Google Realtime Search: a new home with tools


Make the Real-Time Web Relevant:


Watch the following short video:


The User-Generated, Real-Time Web: 


Try it out:

You can try out real-time search by clicking the following link. To get started just search a topic:




How do you predict that real time web will change the way information moves? Do you think it will alter user behavior?